Swiss chard 306638-Swiss chard salad
Speaking of sides, you can use Swiss chard in a variety of quick side dishes, such as our Creamy Swiss Chard with Coconut And it doesn't have to be prepared fast, either—Swiss chard holds up to longer cook times without falling apart, so it's also great in fillings (as evidenced by our Swiss Chard and Ricotta Galette) or baked into frittatasSwiss chard is a member of the beet family, but it doesn't produce an edible bulbous root The dark green leaves and the juicy leafstalks (petioles), however, are completely edible and have high nutritional value Thanks to its broad range of nutrients, Swiss chard is a real superfood with a whole range of health benefits7 of 15 View All 8 of 15 Pin Share Swiss Chard Container Gardening Planting Swiss Chard In Containers Swiss chard salad